Thursday, July 21, 2011

"Rachel Carson responsible for the death of millions of defenseless Africans"

Rachel Carson can undoubtedly be blamed for the cause of many of the deaths of Africans that were plagued by Malaria. If it wasn't for her ranting and raving about DDT many lives could have been saved. DDT which has now been banned in many countries was responsible for killing many of the mosquito's that carried this disease.  If it weren't for her book Silent Springs and her assumptions that DDT is harmful to the environment then many of these victims would have lived fulfilling lives, but she took that away from them. I mean at some point in time one would like to think that human preservation would precede the environment but not in Rachel Carson's eyes. I would like to think that if she was really concerned about people in these African Nations then she would have suggested minimal use, instead of just stating that all use of DDT is bad to the environment, which would have saved lives and preserved the environment as well.I mean really.... What proof did she really have that this agent was harmful to the environment, there was no published information from the EPA stating such results as these.So no matter how much praise that she may receive for being a great environmentalist, I still believe that her opinions and/or thoughts were the underlying cause of death for many people in African nations.


Mercury (Hg) is a chemical element with the atomic number 80 and is a transition metal.  This element is considered a heavy metal, but can also exist in a liquids form at room temperature and pressure. It found in the crust of the Earth but its natural state is found as cinnabar or mercuric sulfide. Mercury has many uses that are found in medications and as vermilion. It is also used in thermometer, barometers, manometers, and scientific instruments, however recently due to the toxicity of mercury these instruments have been replaced with alcohol-filled or digital instruments.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Most prevalent infectious diseases in the world

North America and Europe: Lyme disease

Asia and Africa: Malaria:

South America: Lymphatic Filariasis

Australia: Ross River virus disease

Antarctica: Campylobacter jejuni

Chagas Disease

Parasites Around the World

Here are a list of the most prevalent parasites that are found on each continent of the world

North America and Europe: E. Vermicularis (Pinworm)

Asia and Africa: P. vivax and schistosoma

Australia: Necator americanus

South America: Leishmaniasis

Antarctic :Austrogoniodes pauliani

Pet parasite Dirofilaria immitis ( Canine heartworms)

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Is Human Activity the cause of global warming??

Global Warming and Human Activity
Many believe that human activity is of the main cause for global warming and so many natural disasters that are occurring today. On the flip side, some believe that this” global warming” issue is all just a gimmick to make a profit, by instilling fear in those who are attempting to save the planet. For instance this is not the hottest period in the Earth’s history, “The Permian Period” is. Also 99% of carbon dioxide is caused by decaying plants and ocean activity, not by humans. The ice caps are growing and shrinking like they always have bee